Three gifts family...This would be so easy to write (yet again) about my husband and two kids. They are the most important people in my life and they make me so happy...and simultaneously crazy. I wouldn't trade the life I have now for anything in the world. But I'm going to try to write differently today...
Three gifts family...
Did anyone else sing that song in church "The Family of God." I remember at Hebron, John Williams would sometimes close the service with that song. "Join hands across the aisle." Anyone else remember that? "I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God. I've been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood. Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod, for I'm part of the family, the family of God." As a young person, even though I was a Christ follower, that song didn't make much sense to me. Honestly, I always thought it said "Join hands with Jesus..." I didn't understand that "joint heirs" meant that we had been adopted as children of the King. I didn't understand that we had been grafted in...a wild olive branch. Let me just say that again...I am a daughter of the King!!! He chose me! And did you know that, according to Jewish tradition, adopted children can never be disowned...a person can disown their biological children, but a child who has been adopted can never have that taken from them. So the King who chose me to be His child, will NEVER turn his back on me. I marvel today (and many days) that I have been grafted into the "family of God." That He would choose such a one as I.
So my three gifts "family" today are going to center around the amazing knowledge that God chooses to adopt us into His family. That through the bloood of Jesus, I am made clean and called a child of God.
61. Thankful for a godly heritage. That I was taught about God's grace, mercy, and love from a very young age.
62. Thankful for the "family of God" at the three different churches that have shaped me as a Christ follower: Hebron, Hollywood, Second Baptist. So thankful that the Word of God was and still is preached unashamedly and that these men and women are reaching their world in the name of Jesus.
63. So thankful that my earthly family will be with me in Heaven one day. We're still praying and teaching Sawyer (he's still very young), but the day that Elijah got saved was as good as the day I got saved. This momma's heart is so happy that my children are walking in faith.